back from camp
...and missing it already!let's see, what's new since before camp...not too muchi just got my ears pierced!it's a
back from camp
...and missing it already!let's see, what's new since before camp...not too muchi just got my ears pierced!it's
long time no see
it's been like ummm 2 months since i've posted? nah, 1 month. w/e.
the concert's tonight. orchestra's last, so i cant leave early >:-(
dance recital is on saturdayyyyyyy i cant wait
bought green wedge/sandal/flip flop things
(lol they're like all of the above i guess)
and a shakira CD, which i'm listening to right are pix from melissa's yesterday... 

haha fallon took an IQ quiz and got 106
my parents are busy cleaning out upstairs, and they found some of my mom's old shoes that (barely) fit me. haha, they're so much fun...even though i broke the heel on the maroon ones...

field trip recap
ok, basicly, it was really boring.oh, and when we got there, we (erms) were the only school that dressed up, so everyone was looking at us like we're these rich, snobby kids. haha and when all of us erms people arrived and saw them in their un-dressy jeans and tee shirts we were like 'hey thats not fair, we were the only ones who had to dress up
how in the world did i wake up this early? (well it's early for me...)
we have the field trip today. not fun. but watching an ameteuer actor impersonate a physco/muderer is better than school, i guess. and then after the play we go to a fast food place for lunch. oh, and did i mention that we have to dress up? yeah. ok, i made it sound like we have to wear halloween esque costumes! no, we just have to wear like dressy clothes. "because we are representing a school"...w/e, it's really not that bad. for guys it must b cause they have to tuck in their shirts and wear nice pants, but all us girls have to do is wear a "nice" (not too short) skirt, a "nice" top, and dress shoes. so yeah.and then after school i have NCL and dance so it's a good thing we'll have no hw.
here are some weird facts i read:
- In Wyoming, you need a lisense to take a picture of a rabbit in january, february, march, and april
- there are more caribou in alaska than there are people
- in Gainesville, Georgia it's illegal to eat a chicken with a fork
- in Blue Hill, Nebraska it's illegal for a woman to eat an onion in public while wearing a hat that would scare a timid person
- PEZ candy was made in Orange, CT (yeah, connecticut!)
what's new
- color scheme and title of this blog
- watching Rent tonight...haha sara can't wait til the jump over the moon thing
- dad gave me his digital camera finally! so now it's officially mine!
- the delia*s shirt still hasn't come in the mail yet!
- got a new magazine in the mail anyone cares
- i'm getting a haircut exactly a week from now aka next saturday
- spring break is so close! puerto rico here i come! hehe yess be jealous
- i'm very bored today, if no one's noticed yet
- i have a new {shared} blog, if anyone's noticed yet. (
- it's written by me and fallon and melissa (the shared blog, i mean)
- this is one looong post
- let's see how many bullets i can make!
- lalala
- this is fun
well that was slightly amusing. So anyway, i finally finished the s.s. project. yay for me. but i still have math. ahh, not fun.
~~~~~~~the next day, 9:10 am~~~~~~~
i'm just gonna add onto this post now.
the shirt will probably come today i'm guessing.
Rent was cool. awesome music. a little strange but still a cool movie. did u know that it was based on the opera called "La Boheme"? i have a la boheme poster in my living room, not like it matters. anyway, i wanna see la boheme so i can compare. they're probably worlds apart from eachother!
btw, it was just daylight savings time, so it really feels like 8:14 right now, but in reality it's 9:14...ahh, i'm so confused!!!
i went shopping in the westchester today and got a PINK sweat shirt that's white and pink, shoes, a necklace, and yeah thats it i think. oh wait also abercrombie shorts.

this is the neclace (and ludacris lol)
AND THE COMMENTING PERSON OF THE YEAR IS...FALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats! u win,um....well idk but congrats anyways! (haha ilu fallon...blogger blocked u from comments!! lol thats ok it'll work in like a day i guess)
i love vintage
we just got air condtioning in our house, so my parents had to move a LOT of stuff in order for the people to get the stuff in the walls. and of course my mom is looking at all my stuff from kindergarden or whatever, so she calls me upstairs to look at it (gag). while she reads it, i just wander around among the piles of stuff everywhere (i just realized; for once i can say that my room is MUCH, much neater than my parents'), and stumble upon a pair of cute heels. they almost fit me, but when they really do, you better beleiving they'll be some MAJOR borrowing (hehe). so then i see these teal pointy-toed nine west flats; and they fit!! so they're pretty much mine now. they seem like they'd look very nice under jeans...skinny jeans, which, btw, i am desperetly needing.