i went shopping in the westchester today and got a PINK sweat shirt that's white and pink, shoes, a necklace, and yeah thats it i think. oh wait also abercrombie shorts.

this is the neclace (and ludacris lol)
AND THE COMMENTING PERSON OF THE YEAR IS...FALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats! u win,um....well idk but congrats anyways! (haha ilu fallon...blogger blocked u from comments!! lol thats ok it'll work in like a day i guess)
i love vintage
we just got air condtioning in our house, so my parents had to move a LOT of stuff in order for the people to get the stuff in the walls. and of course my mom is looking at all my stuff from kindergarden or whatever, so she calls me upstairs to look at it (gag). while she reads it, i just wander around among the piles of stuff everywhere (i just realized; for once i can say that my room is MUCH, much neater than my parents'), and stumble upon a pair of cute heels. they almost fit me, but when they really do, you better beleiving they'll be some MAJOR borrowing (hehe). so then i see these teal pointy-toed nine west flats; and they fit!! so they're pretty much mine now. they seem like they'd look very nice under jeans...skinny jeans, which, btw, i am desperetly needing.
i'd love to be in mexico right now...
because they are entering fall already; FALL! meaning they've already had spring AND summer, while i am wearing ugg boots and shivering everytime i open the door to let the dog out. plus, in mexico dinner is at 10:00 pm, so there are bigger snacks during the day. not that that matters though.
so here are my favorite spring peices...
First is the raj halter dress from delia*s. decked out with clear sequins and a nice beaded middle, this is a great dress for this spring. plus, it's only $39.50.
my next favorite is the AE striped military mini. i was going to get this one, but sadly they didn't have it in my size online or in the store. it's $34.50; another great spring deal.
last is a polo by abercrombie. normally i'd hate the color, but my sudden obbsession with camo print (camoflauge) has changed my mind on this. it is $24.50 and i just may buy it. (online, of course, because the one in my mall is closed...ugh, don't remind me)

shopping for puerto rico
- PINK shorts (blue)
- PINK opaque tights (grey)
- PINK tube top/halter top...i can't really tell what it is (blue and white tye dye)
- delia*s shorts (dark wash denim)
- old navy flip flops (red-ish orange)
- old navy p.j. shorts (multicolored)
- free gift thing from clinique
- garnier fructis volumizing shampoo for fine hair
...and i had pizza and baked lays at the mall, but that obviously doesn't count.
so i went to the city yesterday and i'm going back tomorrow for the museum thing. it should be fun. museum equals boring, but museum plus fashion equals fun.
i went into town today with melissa, maren,sara, and fallon. we ate subway sandwiches (on the sidewalk...haha, don't ask) and then got our nails done at the place next to subway. all the manicurists there had these tattoed eyebrows. a bit scary. well anyway, i got a sheer, peachy shade of pink with a little flower thing. then we went to deborah anne's and fallon got candy (edible) bubbles. we tried to catch them and eat them but they'd just float away-- it was pretty funny! then fallon went back and got another bottle of it for will for his bar mitzvah. then we went to cvs and got makeup (well i just got burt's bees lip balm and mints, but melissa, fallon and maren got eyliner and/or mascara, and sara got a lipgloss). then fallon's mom picked up fallon and maren and melissa, sara, and i went to the gap because we were bored and melissa's mom was still in confrences.
so, back to my weekend. museum on saturday, shopping for puerto rico on sunday. i should get PINK pants. not the sweatpants with the elastic bottom-- i mean like just cotton capris.
it's a half day
so this weekend i am finally going to that fashion in colors museum exhibit in new york! i'm going to new york tomorrow as well, but it's not to go to the museum. i just love new york; the food, the shows, and the noise. ok, normaly the sound of people shouting and cars honking nonstop would be annoying, but i love it. oh, and i've seen 19 broadway shows in new york. 20, if you count seeing this cool modern dance performance starring Claire Danes.
so i went shopping today with melissa and sara. we saw maren at macy's and helped her pick out a bar mitzfah dress and she bought a tourquoise satin-ish one. i got a gold locket necklace from filene's for $1.59 and a yellow tee from american eagle that i'd wanted. sara finally got pink pants (they're purple...who could have guessed?) and she really likes them so thats good. she also got this diamond necklace from filenes. and melissa bought a necklace at filene's.
now i'm so tired. i never ate lunch today so i'm really hungry, too. better go eat before i start talking to the computer screen or something.
by the way, if you're looking for pictures from melissa's party, scroll down; the two posts before this have some pics.
melissa's party (part 2)
so we ate pizza and cookie cake and told stories from elementary school. then we watched Just Like Heaven, which was good. then we turned on the strobe light and started dancing around the room (yeah, we're cool like that) and we were bumping into each was pretty funny!
below is me with my ginormous camera:
a study hall-ish type of thing
so today we had this study hall-ish type of thing. which is so random considering we don't even have any homework today.
so anyway, someone had thrown up outside in the hall (welcome to middle school; get used to it) and it smelled like..ok, i won't go into details, but lets just say it smelled disgusting. so we're all talking about it (because we're just so cool like that), and i say "where is it?" and then jackie says "you should have seen it!" and i'm like "what? i don't want to see puke!!" then she laughs and explains that she was trying to say i should have been able to see it.
gotta go to dance now...
oscars pre-show update
there's a bunch of clips from scary movies on the pre-show right now. they're not showing the blood-drenched Carrie? amazing. i saw the end of that movie once when a friend was over and it seriously creeped me out. it was kinda weird too. when the blood stuff was dumped on the girl it kept getting more and more and more and more...strange. and then she stabs her mother and pins her to the wall.
Matt Dillon's face bugs me. he looks so weird...kinda like he has botox. that's a scary thought.
i really wanted to see memoirs of a geisha but never got around to it. oh well; i haven't heard any majorly great reveiws on it anyway.
i hope there will be good commercials on during the show.
i can't remember if Felicity Huffman's hair was originally blonde or brunette. wow she is being overly freaked out that her crying ruined her makeup. oh, now she's blaming it on the guy who interveiwed her. smooth, Felicity.
thank god for the free music download of the week... (part 2)
oh. my. gosh. you know how i said in the last post that the song "ooh la la" sounds like a coca cola commericial type of song? i just saw a coca cola commerical last night, and guess what the song in it was? "ooh la la", the song i raved about recently.
i think i'm physic ;-)