thank god for free music download of the week... (part 1)
this week (or last week; who remembers?) there was this song called "ooh la la" by goldfrapp or something and i am totally in love with this song. it has a disco, madonna-ish sort of vibe, and it makes you want to get up and dance. plus, it sounds like the type of song coca cola would use for one of their funky, we're- so- cool- and- we're- drinking- coke- and- rollerskating- to- this- cool- disco- song- no- one- has- ever- heard- of commercials. (ok, just the chorus, not the whole song, because the verses are a bit slow) not like that matters. just a little something i noticed. so go and buy it on itunes! alright, i think it was last week that it was free, but who cares? this song is AWESOME.
on another note, i had a fortune cookie in my lunch today, and it said aren't you glad you just had a great meal? kind of weird, because that's more of a tiny slip of paper from inside a japanese cookie talking to you than a prediction of your future. but it makes for a good laugh i suppose.
sara, you just might be on to something...
purple seems to be the latest color on this season's runways. what a pity. i own nothing of the fresh hue. but then again, that's just a great new excuse to go shopping.{note:in the title, by "sara" i mean my purple-obsessed friend} p.s. i just realized i have a purple tee shirt. correction of the third sentence in this post: i own not much of the fresh hue.(the outfit in the first picture is from versace's fall 2006 line. the outfit in the second picture is from gucci's fall 2006 line.both pictures are from
Fashion In Colors a exhibit at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, made possible in part by Lancome Paris. I plan to go to it soon, because it seems so interesting. after all, (as the ad in ELLE magazine boasts) it lets you "explore color through 300 years of fashion". sounds like my kind of exhibit. if anyone's interested, call 212-849-8400, or go to the section in their website about it.
saturday night
my parents friends are over and they're all in the living room, so i get the computer to myself. not only that, but i managed to snag some chocolate swirl pound cake from the coffee table in the living room.
i'm so proud of myself; i figured out basic html! alright, i made my blog mint-ish colored and made my title move, but that's about it. still, pretty impressive for a total newbie to html.
and speaking of me being a newbie, i have 11 people looking at my blog at this very second! wow. no clue how that happened. the only "advertising" i have is a link on my AIM profile!
oh, make that 15 users looking at my blog right now! to bloggers (no pun intended) who have blogs with great traffic, this may seem...ok, does seem like a dollar compared to ten million dollars.
digital camera
i have a digital camera, but its ancient and humongous. so if anyone has suggestions on what camera to get, i'd appreciate that. nothing over $200, preferably.
though the camera takes pretty good pictures, i definetly need something smaller and sleeker. hmm, maybe i'll try e-bay. i've always wanted to buy something on e-bay.
more shopping
i bought a grey favorite crew neck tee(as the tag calls it) at american eagle and a white tank top from american eagle (it's the same as the red one i bought before, but it's white). the blue tee i bought with my grandma last weekend is the same as the grey one , but it's a different color obviously) all of these peices are wonderful basics to have...perfect for layering, especially the tank top.
i'm back
so yes, i managed to go shopping when in south street, which is a street in philadelphia. i got 3 stones in this store called Mineralistic; turquoise, jade, and moonstone. and my jewlery making obsession made a comeback, too; i made the tourquoise into a necklace, complete with a gold chain and gold wire. below is a picture of the sunset outside my hotel on the first or second day. 
{see last post title}
i'm going to philladelphia in a few, so i'll make this quick. oh, and you better believe i'll find some place to shop there, whether it be a dollar store or a now i have a two hour car ride to look foward to. great.we're bringing my dad's laptop, so hopefully i'll be able to post something while i'm there and maybe even get some pictures up.
can't go somewhere without shopping
so i went shopping today with my grandma and got a navy blue american eagle tee shirt. the mall was pretty cool. they had juicy couture stuff but nothing that looked good to me. and they actually had a hollister unlike the mall near me. AND an abercrombie, which is not being renavated until june unlike the mall near me, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.and in other news, the gap in town will be replaced with a's good to know that at least our TOWN, despite our mall, has good priorities. i also hear there will soon be a store that carries so lows and juicy couture in town as well.
welcome to everyday new england
ok, considering this picture was taken right in the beginings of the blizzard, it's not everyday...but it's pretty close to it!by the way, this was taken through a window, but it doesn't look like it, does it? (wow, i sound like the invisalign commercial!)i want to go skating on the pond (it's on the left in the photo), but i'd probably fall through and i'd rather not do that.
and i haven't gone sledding yet! you can't see any of it in this picture, but i have a fabulous sledding hill...well, at the end you almost always crash into thorn bushes, but otherwise it's pretty fun.
math today...
so math today was...interesting. we had the sub who wears his pants too low again, and he's practically deaf, i tell you! we were supposed to be working on this weird project, but someone brought their ipod, so we plugged it into the computer speakers and the sub didn't even notice until this kid came up to him and complained that the noise was dissrupting his learning. excuse me? so annoying. well it was fun while it lasted.
happy v-day
so i got rose-scented body lotion and soap and a giant hershey kiss from my parents( the hershey kiss was not rose-scented). so that was pretty awesome. then, when i came home from school i got a package from my grandma in the mail, and it was the victoria's secret PINK tee shirt i had wanted! i heart valentines day.and chocolate. and gifts.
second shopping trip this weekend...yay
so i got some more shopping done today. i saw sidney's mom at american eagle...i also saw her in the mall on saturday! weird... so i bought a red ribbed tank top from american eagle. then i went to the fabric tree (yeah, i'm cool) and got a pink ribbon and a green ribbon for my hair...the lady there was really weird. she started talking to my mom about the snow or something.
you all know i'm obsessed with rings
i love rings so when i found this site i was in love. personally, i like the carved flower rings the most. hmm, $16; a bit on the expensive side for a ring, but it's still absolutely exsquisite.
typogenerator is the new
this is what
"wow-she-must-have-had-alot-of-time-on-her-hands" looks like. ok, i lied. i typed in "emily", and this gorgeous work of art came up. pretty cool, huh? i got it from this site.
oh the things one can learn from a nelly video...
leave it to nelly to rap about dental bling. and can't you just tell he's showing off the fact that he has grillz and therefore has money. oh and the video; why they put a kid in a superman costume and grillz in the video is beyond me. and he like jumps out of the grill place. hah. grill place.and before this video i thought that the people pull out all your teeth and replace them with permanent diamonds...boy, oh, boy was i wrong.oh great, now i have to study for the spanish test...which is on the same day as the major s.s. test, thank you very much.sigh.
guess what i did today
ok times up, i went shopping, idiots.below is the fabulous long sleeved top i found at aeropostale. it looks nice over a bright tank top. oh, and do you know how hard it is to shop in a store that has spring written all over it, only intending to buy a long sleeved top?? ok, let me explain. my mom said i have too many tee shirts so i can't buy any more. ugh. and so of course i fell in love with this tee shirt with this gold crown on it. but i got over it after spotting the grey top.oh and i also got a pair of reef blue nike sneakers. good for power walking, i suppose.speaking of power-walking, i'm starting the kinda sorta loathe it due to the fact that i have to freeze my butt off (and my ears, and my hands, and my cheeks...) just to see how many steps i can take in 20 minutes. oh, what a grand old time. well, it was either that or baldminton, and quite honestly i'm tired of sports involving any hard object that may, at any given moment, come flying at my head.